I was just thinking what a magical time it was growing up in the 1950's and early 1960's. How much fun we had during this innocent time using our imagination and playing with our friends. Many of the experiences I had growing up would be my wishes for my grandchildren and all of our children today. These things I would wish for them. . .
*watching Mary Martin as Peter Pan on tv and being sure you could fly the next day if you only believed hard enough
*finding a little dead bird in your grandmother's backyard and having a funeral service for it with your cousins, complete with sermon, hymns, prayers and kleenex flowers to cover the shoebox the little bird was placed in
*catching fireflies on a warm summer evening
*making flower garlands for your hair
*playing jacks, jump rope and hopscotch
*eating homemade ice cream and ice cold watermelon at a family picnic (and when I say family, I mean the whole family, aunts and uncles, cousins, and grandparents)
*going to a Saturday afternoon matinee for 25 cents and watching "Ma and Pa Kettle" or "The Three Stooges"
*Friday night sleepovers with your best friend and watching "Weird Theater" on tv (usually something with Vincent Price) and hiding your eyes and being scared to death
*buying a beautiful diamond or pearl ring at the five and dime store and then watching your finger turn a shade of green
*making smores around a campfire
*wanting to be just like Hayley Mills as she starred in those wonderful Disney movies
*crying for "Old Yellar" and cheering for Dorothy to find the city of Oz and being scared stiff by those flying monkeys
*riding your bike like the wind as you followed a rainbow to try and get to the end of it, being sure there were leprechauns and a pot of gold at the end
*playing softball at school recess and not really keeping close score because everyone was playing "just for the fun of it"
*going to Vacation Bible School and looking forward to that kool aid and homemade cookies, also painting those plaster of paris molds to give to your mother who always hung them somewhere in the house with pride
*playing hide and go seek with the neighborhood kids on a hot summer night until your parents called you because it was time to go home
*not really a care or worry in the world because we always knew Mighty Mouse would "come to save the day"
Thank you, sweet friends, for stopping by today. May those times of innocence and fun always be in our hearts as we share happy times with our own children and grandchildren. Love to each and every one of you.
I am right there with you, Vicki. Right there.
Sheila :-)
Oh Vicki, how I long for those days... my list would be the same as yours... my mama always had to call us in, as did all the mamas in the neighborhood as it got dark and time for bed...not having a care in the world... (I still don't like those flying monkeys though!)... let's be little girls for just awhile and do those things again... xoxo Julie Marie
I so agree and I loved your list. My childhood was so much like that...I grew up on a farm so I would add to your list living in trees...swinging from the op of the barn on a big rope and dropping into a big pile of straw and loving on my horse! Too many kids live at the day care or glued to video games now...very sad! Thanks for your sweet visit. :D
Our childhood was so full of warm moments as yours. Simple days, pleasant fun times, carefree moments, creative imaginations.
The sad part is our wee ones will never have such beautiful moments to cherish forever, as do we. I often wonder what they will consider 'treasured moments' in their adulthood.
Have a lovely week.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
There are so many things that you mentioned....like I am there! Thank you for your list. I hope it is ok to copy and paste it for an e-mail to friends and family. The things you brought up hit so close to home! Thank you, debbie
Oh, Vicki, I can relate to so many things on your list! I remember watching the Wizard of Oz for the first time at my aunt's house because she had a color TV! I skipped watching Lassie on Sunday night when I was little to watch the baby robins in their nest! {I still love birds! My grandkids are becoming birdwatchers too!} :) My best friend and I would ride our bikes to the corner gas station to buy Nutty Buddy ice cream cones! We played Cinderella and Barbie and took care of our babies, in secret, when we thought our peers would think we were too big to play with dolls! What a great post! Thanks for the memories… Blessings!
I grew up when you did and yes, those were more innocent times. I think current and future generations of children will be able to enjoy many of these things on your list. Praise Jesus for that.
hi vicki,
i am trying my very best to give my boys that kind of magical childhood complete with fireflies and hayley mills. :)
Ms. Vicky, I too live many of those moments. We didn't need expensive video games. We sang, play with dirt and make do with little, never knowing what we lack. We were so happy and innocent. We will place a quilt on the driveway floor and lay there looking at the stars, finding them. We got crowns made of aluminum foil and the tunic will be a towel. We will choose a king and queen and believe me, we were serious about it. My mom will gather all of us and read or make up stories. The Wizard of Oz and Charlotte's Web were two of our favorites movies. We will cry and share what we like and dislike about the movies. We will have a "Disco Party" with a 20$ turntable and some 45's and 78's. Those were the days and if I have had the chance to raise kids I would have loved for them to experience all the beauty of been young and innocent. Thank you so much for making me remember today. I pray that this generation and more to come will be able to tell beautiful stories about their memories. Blessings, Marta.
:-) I remember doing a number of your list during my childhood years.
I remember at night there were lots of fireflies and how amazed we were to see there butts light LOL. I remember the homemade ice cream, picnics, jump ropes and other games we have here, and the garland for our hair :-) It was fun!
Hi Vicki,
Thanks for taking us to a magical time. Love thinking about all the wonderful things you listed!
Amen to that! Technology is a good thing but I am not sure it's a total positive for the kids of this generation. They rely on it way too much and I find that very sad. We always got mini sugar donuts at Vacation Bible School. Those flying monkeys scared the bejeebers out of me. Family gatherings at my Mammaw's house in Mississippi churning by hand homemade peach and banana ice cream -- now that was THE BEST. Such good memories. Thanks for sharing your memories with us! Best wishes, Tammy
I made my little granddaughter TURN OFF I-CARLY yesterday. Unbelievable. Wayyyy over the top for a 7 year old girl.
Your post was my childhood. I miss it.
I love this! I remember riding the yellow school bus down a bumpy country road thinking all the while, "I am on my way to school and they need me to complete the lunch count." I was "the treasurer" in fourth grade and I SO loved having responsibility. Now, I stress about responsibility, but in my small town I cherished my role. I've always been nostalgic. I combed the television guide every December hoping to find White Christmas so I could lose myself in that world for two hours! Remember your lunch box? Gilligan's Island? Romper Room? Tight braids? Homemade dresses? I remember everything! (BIG HUGE HUG!)
Hi sweet Vicki,
What wonderful and happy childhood memories you have shared!!! Your grandchildren are so blessed to have you in their lives! The list was wonderful! Thank you for your sweet thoughts! I wish things were still like that, but as you said we can keep them in our hearts as we share happy times with our own children. Have a good week dear friend! Love to you, Paula
oh your list resonated with me! how I wanted to be like Hayley Mills and have a big bow in my hair. never mind that I wasn't blond! I am with you on this - I think we grew up in a wonderful time - with hours to play and imagine!
Oh Vicki,
Did your post ever bring back memories, so much so, that I read it a second time!
I so wanted to be like Hayley Mills! I had the blonde hair but she was so beautiful! I loved playing make believe and I think there is a whole generation of us missing those days of innocence! Thanks for the stroll down Memory Lane and I hope you have a wonderful week.
Vicki this post is amazing. You took me right back to the best years of my life. Oh my gosh...I loved anything with Vincent Price in it!!! I identified with every single thing you listed here, right down to the birdie's funeral.
Thank you for taking me back.
Vicki, Thank you my friend for bringing back such beautiful memories of my childhood years. Your post was wonderful and as you said family meant family get togethers, which isn't done like that anymore.Seems like everyone is in a hurry. We always had a ball. I remember the 5 cent icecream cone that was a true ice cream cone, the penny candy, and all the rest. We had so many simple things that was so much fun. Have a wonderful day. Your Missouri Friend
Hi, sweet Vic! It just doesn't get any better than these things you've remembered from our childhood days, does it?!? I often wish for simpler times for my dear grandbabies, too!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Hello Vicki! I wanted to drop by and thank you for visiting my blog and becoming my newest follower.
I really enjoyed reading this post as I grew up in a 'Mayberry' small town enviroment. My son has experienced some of the items on your list including playing hopscotch, making s'mores around a campfire, (Did this again just last week.) and at the age of 13, he still loves to catch fireflies on a warm summer night.
Hello sweet friend,
Oh these were the days! I am right there with you! thank goodness we can relive them through our memories, because times have sure changed.
Wishing you love, as you make new memories with your grandchildren, and share your sweet memories with them.
Bunny hugs,
I grew up in the 60s and 70s and have many of those same memories. Thanks for the trip back in time.
I always say I was born in the wrong error and should have been a '50's Mummy.
Love the images your provoked!
What memories! I am so glad I was able to grow up at that time. We live in a little neighborhood in the middle of the city and my daughter was able to experience much of this growing up in the eighties. She was really fortunate! Night games, catching fire flies, having carnivals in the backyard, running from house to house to get a snack. We chose the house because of this neighborhood feeling...it was a good choice.
We are pretty new...stop by sometime! (We aren't all about our jewelry...really!)
Oh Vicki...That is excactly what I want for our children too. What beauitful childhood memories. I too remember my childhood very fondly. It sure was a more innocent, happy, carefree and simpler time...Thank you for sharing your beauitful thoughts from the heart with us my dear friend. Have a wonderful and blessed weekend.
Hugs and Kisses,
Yes, those were the days! life was so uncomplicated and so easy to decide about things! especially as a youth!
our youth today is so in the moment and all must be done now...I used to spend summers at my aunt's at the beach will all the cousins and friends...no care in the world, playing and exploring, enjoying nature and fresh air, and of course the beach, swimming, and jumping and running!! can't beat that, no game, no tv show, just children playing!!
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