Hello, dear friends, we are having some gloriously cool weather here in Central Texas...

So, I thought it would be fun to have an autumn tea to welcome in the season...Mr. Scarecrow definitely wants to be invited!!

I have one of my very favorite tea cups for you to share some autumn tea from...

My little bunny is out in Farmer McGregor's fall garden so he had to be invited, too...

Along with this sweet and magical and very friendly little witch...

I have one of my comfy chairs waiting for your visit, along with a plate of ghosty cookies...

I know you are thinking what does Daisy Mae have to do with our celebration? Well, she is part of my childhood memories. You see, one year my momma helped me dress as Daisy Mae for Halloween. Yes, I had the cut off jean shorts (not nearly as short as Daisy Mae's, my momma would not have allowed that!!!) and a cute peasant shirt that my mother had sewn for me. It had elastic in the neck so I could wear it off my shoulders like Daisy. I must say, I did not "fill out" my costume nearly as well as Daisy fills hers out, but as a ten or eleven year old girl, I did think I looked pretty cute!! Now there was a rule among girls my age that you could trick or treat until you were in sixth grade. After that, it was considered a little too babyish to trick or treat in junior high. Well, if you know me, you know how I love autumn and Halloween and all of the festivities. When I was in sixth grade, I made the most out of that Halloween, sadly knowing it would be my last time to go out trick or treating. Yes, I was a sad girl the next autumn in 7th grade when I didn't dress up and go out to get treats. However, now that I have grandchildren, it is perfectly normal for grandma to go out with her grandchildren and trick or treat to her heart's desire. Who says there aren't advantages to getting older?
Hola dear Vicki, You have invited so many times to your delightful tea parties that I really hope I can come one time!!!
Sweet story about you dressing as Daisy Mae and certainly there´s lots of advantages of being a grandma and enjoying again the halloween parties!!!
maria cecilia
Delightful, Vicki! Enjoyed reading your memories of Trick or Treat. Love the bunny pitcher, the clown *punkin* ... Welcome fall!!!
Hi Vicki! Adorable Halloween decor! I love the inviting pink chair, with the beautiful pillows! I'll be right over! :D
Also, I love the George Elliot quote about autumn. I posted that on my blog a while back! This is my favorite time of year, too!
Hello Vicki, and thank you for a lovely Autumn tea party... all of your decorations look so cute! I too remember Daisy Mae... and I am sure you were just adorable as her! I never wanted to grow up, I always wanted to keep trick~or~treating too... how fun that you go with your precious little grandchildren now... wish I was going with you!... xoxo Julie Marie
I loved trick or treating with my kids! I had as much fun as they did. I love the chair thats for me..and the cute pillows too. You have so many cute decorations...just love it all :D
Hi Vicki!
What a cute post...
Yes, back then, after about 10 or 12, kids stopped going out on Halloween. For a while, teens were out and about... Recently though, curfews etc have kept them in... and just the elementary kids are out.
I'm glad you're having fun again ~ I remember the last year for me too... the candy never tasted so good :D
I'm hoping I get to accompany my sister and niece this year. Sometimes, here in the northeast we really luck out and have nice weather. Some years it snows!
We'll see this year.
Have a wonderful week, dear Vicki ♥
Thanks for inviting me to take a seat in that cushy chair but look out because when you're not looking I'll put those beautiful pillows in my car!!
I can remember a few of my Halloween costumes from my childhood. I always wanted to be a fairy princess but never was! LOL.
Sweet! All the festive decorations contribute to the happy fall mood. Save that white cozy spot for me - I'll be right over!
I remember being really sad when my Halloween trick or treating days were over! I loved going all over the neighborhood for what seemed like hours!
Hi there sweet Vicki. Your fall table is lovely and always so inviting. Always such a breath of fresh air :-)
Blessings to you today.
How very fun! Daisy Mae, oh my. Most of my grade school years were spent in Los Angeles County (Long Beach)and we really did not go trick or treating. My memories of Halloween revolve around the parties and the school carnival. Loved your tea party, very fall festive!
Dear Vickie, As always your blog is so pretty & festive for the fall season with this post! Please drop by and link up for my Autumn / Halloween Blog Hop. I would love people to see your wonderful post!! I have a link up on both side bars. I love the George Elliot quote at the top of your blog. I saw it awhile back and was going to use it too~ I love Autumn~ Thanks for the pretty inspiration & do drop by. xo Theresa
Nice memories...
and I just love that pillows whit roses.
So lovely...
Dear Vicki,
I always do enjoy teatime with you. Everything is so pretty and inviting...Yummmm and those cookies look mighty tasty :-) I also love reading about your chilhood memories...they're always so sweet and make me go back to my childhood too. I loved dressing up for Halloween and I don't think there has been a year I haven't done so...Even at my age :-) It's so much fun...Now for the trick-or-treating part I guess I'll have to wait until I have grandkids of my own...My daughter is 15 and although she still likes to dress up, she doesn't trick-or-treat anymore...Thank you so much for sharing your sweet memomries. Have a wonderful day.
Much love to you,
Cute little Halloween banner.
What a lovely tea cup! It reminds me of a tea set shown by Sue (Stressed but blessed) - I just finished looking at her post before I hopped over to yours. Be sure to take a look. Access her from Rose Chintz Cottage and Inspirations. I do like your fall decorations and your ghost cookies too.
Blessings, Beth
What a fun trip down memory lane with you! love your tea and decorations! And your pink chair is so pretty!
that is some FaB cup for tea!
i would LoVe some tea in that!
maybe you could grab it & head on over to the Birthday Tea Party today @ FHC! i'd love to
have tea & chat! ...
Hi Vicky,
what a stunning teacup you have - thats the beauty of its own. So lovely! Oh, I would love to be invited to have tea with you, the friendly scarecrow and the cute bunny.
Your story about your days as Daisy Mae was so nice. Would love to see an old photo of you in that time. Enjoy this Halloween.
Greetings, Johanna
Dear Vicki, what a beautiful teacup! love the colours.. and the handpainted flowers on it.. hope you have a great day!
Ha ha I chuckled when I read your post. My 4 children did not stop trick or treating till.....well my 30 year old still goes every year...with her kids ... but she takes a bag just in case they want too give her a treat too...haha she says I would be surprised how many people acutally do. My youngest son is 15 and he told me the other day we have to get hiim a costume soon...so I am thinking he is going out too.
Good morning Vicki,
What a gorgeous teacup! I love the colours and the shape of it. I have a bunny similar to yours. Did you get yours at Winners? That's where mine came from. I love your pretty pillows too. Thanks for sharing your trip down Memory Lane. It's been a pleasant visit and tea. Thank you for sharing and I wish you a delightful day.
We had the same age limit ourselves. Now, I was pretty mad when I had to quit, but I look at the older teenage kids today and think to myself, I'm so glad I was made to quit when I reached 13.
Love your little tea party.
I have joined your blog.
Check out my blog, also...thanks
Hello Vicki :) I can certainly see why that cup is your favorite, it is just beautiful! Wonderful fall and Halloween decorations, and loved the story of your trick-or-treating when you were a child. Thanks so much for sharing those special memories with us :) Love your sweet Ghost cookies!
Wishing you a lovely Tea Tuesday my friend!!
Warmest hugs, Brenda
What a very lovely autumn display Vicki! So cheerful. Stopping by from Tea Tuesdays.
What a great post, Vicki!! Filled with so many lovely things and so much eye candy!!
What lovely autumn things you have sitting about...I had some but am wrapping them away as my 2 year old grandson is coming to visit...china and two year old hands (boy) don't mix well. :)
I adore your rabbit teapot!!! It's totally gorgeous!! So are those pillows and your teacup. Definitely a lovely setting for tea today.
You know, I'm totally into vintage, and I'm a LOVER of old movies, but I have never heard of Daisy Mae. Was she a cartoon character? A comic strip? I will have to do some research later today so as to broaden my horizons.
Have a lovely day,
Hi Vicki! I sooo love that sweet Autumn Blessings pic ~ my granddaughter's name is Autumn! Love your pink ghosties, too! Actually, you know I love it ALL ~ you have the prettiest vintage china pieces of anyone I know! :0)
Love you,
Angelic Accents
Isn't October fun? Not just Halloween, but all the fall decorations that people get out on display....that is one of the things that enchants me about being back here, out of my element....everyone loves the seasons and decorates for them...
I had such fun as a child trick 'n treating and I know my children did as well...isn't it a shame that a few have made it unsafe...
Sweet Regards,
Vicki this is so funny...I was Daisy Mae one year too.LOL! Oh my, that is a blast from the past. I wonder if my mother still has the picture.
I love all your Fall decor. I would love to snuggle down in your chair and eat those yummy cookies. Frosted sugar cookies are my very favorite, no matter what the shape.
I hope you enjoy your Fall days. Don't you just love this time of year?
Hi Vickie,
Thanks for stopping by. Love yr fall deco. Thanks for sharing.
bellissime foto ciao da nannarè.....
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