I was shopping recently at a local garden center when I noticed a man and his wife also shopping for flowers to plant in their garden. The stately man was a veteran of our US military I could tell by the cap he wore. His sweet wife had difficulty walking and was very unsteady on her feet.

I watched as she held on to the handle of the shopping cart to steady herself and make it easier for her to walk. Her kind husband was right by her side and holding onto the side of the cart so it wouldn't suddenly move forward and cause her to lose her balance.
As the wife would point out which flowers she would like to plant, her husband would carefully place them in the basket. A few times I would hear her husband reassure her that he was holding onto the cart and making sure that she would not fall. He would say, "It's all right, honey, I've got you!"

As I thought on his words, it came to mind that this is really what we are called to do in our world today. To walk alongside each other, to steady each other, to reassure each other with words of kindness. In the same way this is what God does for us. When we stumble, when we fall, when we fail miserably, He is right there by our side, sheltering us, speaking words of kindness and saying to us, "It's all right, my child. I've got you!"

I am certain that loving gentleman went home and planted all of those pretty flowers for his dear wife to enjoy in their garden.
Thank you so much for coming by for a visit today, my sweet and kind friends. You are a blessing and an encouragement to me along this journey we call life.
"Thank you Vicki, this is SUCH a lovely post"... I have seen this too, many times in garden center and it is "PRICELESS"! I also LOVE when I'm in Home Depot or Lowes and see a BIG BURLY GUY and he has a plant or flowers sitting in his cart with all his "MAN THINGYS", and then you see his "lady" come around the corner and join him... I always just stand there and smile... BECAUSE... I'm standing there with My BIG BURLY GUY with my Plant&Flowers in HIS cart with all his "Man thingys"...hehe... Yes, Life IS a Blessing! Thank you again for your story, Hugs, Donna
Aww...Vicki...this made me cry and smile and oh, it was just lovely!!! I love that story of love between the husband and his wife!!!...I love the example of taking care of the needs of others...watching out for them etc!!! So good...What a nice way to end my evening. Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
So sweet. That's love.
Good Morning Vicki!
Oh these are words for my soul today...
They have been frequently spoken all week to my father...who is also very unsteady on his feet...and without use of his cane {his shoulder injury is on the right side} ... "It's alright, Dad, I've got you" is what he hears ♥
so beautifully written Vicki ...and so perfectly timed... just as God would have it ~
happy Sunday to you, dear friend ~
Thanks for sharing such a sweet story of love and kindness. A reminder that we should all focus on lifting each other up. Have a beautiful day. :) Tammy
What a sweet, sweet post, sugar. It reminds me of me and Love Bunny. As we've grown older, and as he did when we were married 49 years ago, he holds my hand when walking. He steadies me physically and emotionally. He is my rock here on this earth, as if my Savior. Well, chick, you gave me my first cry of the day. Off to church...
Vicki, I am so glad that you were my first stop of the day. This post (beautifully written) full of beautiful pictures)) has fed my soul. It's wonderful to see it when it happens and I loved what you wrote about God always being there to steady us when we falter. He steadies me A LOT!!!
hugs to you from here, dear one...
Hi Vicki, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. What a sweet and inspiring story you have shared today. I can just picture them. I've been admiring all of your inspiring words and pictures on your sidebar, very nice! Have a wonderful week, Nan
Such a lovely post and hits home for me. It is getting harder and harder for my Mom to get around and my Dad often helps her in this way. They are an inspiration to me being married over 40 years. Truly that's what marriage is about. :-) Have a lovely Sunday!
Vicki, what a very beautiful post! And it is so true. We are to be an encouragement to each other. Thank you for being an encourager to me :-)
Pretty garden..
Hi Vicki,
What a lovely post! I love hearing inspirational stories like this one and you shared it so well, thank you! Great illustration of God's love for us too.
I just went to the bottom of your blog and I see that your favourite colours are the same as mine; pink and robin's egg blue! Actually your list of favourite things is very much the same as mine! I hope your weekend went well for you.
Dear Vicki,
This was such a sweet post--really spoke to my heart. Yes, we are here for each other and I can't believe how God has blessed me with the most awesome blogging friends in the world.
I wanted to ask you to please update my information. Due to a mixup, my website address is (at least for now)
so so sorry for the inconvenience
Another lovely post dear Vicki! What a sweet story, and yes this is what love is all about.
Love and hugs,
Beautiful post, Vicki ... words and photos... Wonderful way to start the week!
What a beautiful and touching post and wonderful illustration on how we should "love one another".
Your garden is lovely. What a pretty variety of plants you have.
Hi Vicki, Your post today reminds me of the times that I have said those words to my other half when he was so terribly sick. We have been married almost 47 years and we take each day we are given and support each other. I love when you see the spouses there for each other as the ones in your post. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Vicki,
That is so sweet! It is always refreshing to see genuine love in action. Hope you are having a good week!
oh my sweetest friend, hope God blesses me and my husband to get along with each other until very old...and you and your husband and all the people in the world... you have touched my heart deeply....
What a sweet and loving post, it brought tears to my eyes! Thanks for sharing! Blessings~~~ Daphne
Oh Vicki,
What a sweet and touching post. It's so wonderful and comforting knowing God is always there, even when we stumble. Thank you my dear and sweet friend for the reminder. I just wanted to stop by and say "I'm back" :-) Missed you my friend.
Hugs and Kisses,
Hello Vicki... how beautiful! I swear, you are the kindest, most gentle loving and caring lady I know... thanks for sharing this today... and thank you for your visits and well wishes and prayers... xoxo Julie Marie
Oh, Vicki! YOU are the blessing. This is truly one of the sweetest posts ever and so poignant. I needed to hear this today. Thank you SO much!
I've missed you and wanted to drop by from my break to visit. I'm trying to pay as many visits as I can today, but things here are really demanding my undivided attention. I hope I will be blogging again by September. So please leave a light on for me. I hope you know I always come away from your blog blessed.
Big hugs to you...
Sheila :-)
AWWWWW. Such a sweet and loving story with a great meaning at the end. I just found your blog and so glad I did. You have lovely images on your side bar. Please come by and visit sometime. I am a new blogger.
Smiles to you,
I love your blog today. My hubby passed away nearly 5 years ago and I still miss him. He was a big, burley "He Man", but extremely gentle with me. I live in So. Ca. in an area where we have many "snow birds" from other areas that come and spend the winter. I love seeing all of the older couples still sharing, but it makes me so lonley at times. I said I miss having someone always "watching my back" and then I realize my precious Lord is always right beside me and in fron and back of me and I feel much love. I have an awesome God and am thankful everyday for all of His blessings. Hugs, Pauline
Hi Vickie; I just loved reading this,,, it was something that has really touched me,,,, I needed to hear this..thank you so much for posting such a wonderful story...
a very lovely post by you, very touching and very feeling, this is what is fast receeding from our lives, the ability to touch others and feel for them,
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