Can you imagine the memories this old Texas barn holds inside?

Ms. Prairie Rose Henderson, bronc rider, competitive relay race rider, Hall of Fame Cowgirl

"Sunday Flowers", a favorite painting done by one of my favorite artists, Gary Niblett. I grew up with Gary in Carlsbad, New Mexico. He is a member of the "Cowboy Artists of America" and the "Santa Fe Watercolor Society"

The thing that I love so much about this painting is that even in the days of our pioneers, these sweet ladies loved to gather up wildflowers and enjoy the beautiful world God has given us. I have pioneer roots. My great great grandfathers were part of the "Old 300", the first 300 pioneer settlers who came to Texas in the 1800's with Stephen F. Austin. I like to think that I have that same "pioneer spirit" in my heart. Thank you, sweet and dear friends, for joining me today. I am participating in the "Barn Chicks" party hosted by Karen of Brayton Homestead Interiors. I am posting a little early, the party actually starts Friday, August 6. Please visit my friend Karen @ http://braytonhomesteadinteriors.blogspot.com/ to see all of the other participants. May God enfold each and every one of us in the shelter of His wings.
Fellow Texan here. :0) I just found out last night that my dad's sister married an Adams directly related to John Adams of the Independence signers. Our heritage is so awesome at times isn't it? I just love your photos. It makes me miss home so much.
HI Vicki....I really enjoyed your post today. I loved the views of Texas and seeing the vintage photos/paintings as well!!! Really neat!! The very first photo caught my eye...you have two pieces in the forefront on that shelf...one looks like a sugar bowl with a double handle and the other ...a gravy boat? They have delicate pink roses with green vines. I was at a local church food pantry yesterday and I found a really sweet plate that really matches those pieces..It almost looks like the same flower design. I only posted a sneak peak p hoto because I'm saving it for Tuesday...but I'm curious ;) :) what's the backstamp on those pieces? The one on my plate says Vienna, Austria and it has a crown...looks like a crown anyway...
Thansk for sharing part of TExas and your pioneer roots today!!! It was a really enjoyable journey :) :) Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)
What a fabulous presentation today ... I love old barns & this is gorgeous. We so enjoy our visit to TX.
Have a lovely summer's eve ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Oh how cool! I want to grow up to be a cowboy always have! Thanks for sharing your Cowgirl with us!
Hugs, Lisa
I love seeing old barns and houses and wondering about their histories! Thanks for sharing this today! Love all the beautiful pieces on your shelf! Have a great evening.
Hello Vicki... don't worry, I will link your post for sure! Your Texas barns are just beautiful! So much character and charisma... and I adore those darling cowgirls! Bloomers showing too much leg, tee hee hee! That is so fascinating your great~great granddaddys were the original settlers in Texas... you certainly inherited their high spirited love of life! That is also so interesting you grew up with Gary Niblett in Carlsbad! Your paintings are great! Yes, I DO think you and I are "Barn Chicks" with a little fufu thrown in for good measure! Love to you my friend... xoxo Julie Marie
Yep, Vicki, Texans are a proud lot, as well they should be. After all, this is the greatest country on earth!
Great blog! Im not a cowgirl but I did enjoy reading about them.I do love old barns, so rustic and pretty.
Happy Thursday ahead!
What a wonderful post, and a wonderful salute to women!! Thanks!
Hi Vicki,
Very fun! As Little Companion and I pass a barn lately we decide whether it is muffin award worthy or not. We have had a lot of fun with that. I believe that a couple of the barns you posted would be muffin award worthy!
Hi Vicki, I am not a Texan, but I do love the old barns and houses. That comes from being raise on a farm. I would love to live in the country notw, instead of the city. I know when we would visit relatives living in your state I always love the wild flowers that you would see growing. I really liked your post today. Take care.
Both paintings are beautiful! The barns are fascinating, too!
Lovely pictures.
Once I was au pair in Texas, Houston.
I did enjoy that year a lot....
This is so a beautiful post !!I really enjoyed the post !!Thanks for sharing !!
What fun pictures! Lovely post.
Have a blessed day!
Yep! I think you got that pioneer spirit, girl. Love the barn pictures and the watercolors--they are incredible!
thank you dear friend!
thanks for joing Barn chicks!
wonderful post. The barns have such a feel of pride and love for country and state! love the flags painted on them.
and yes, love the bloomers!
Hi Vicki!
Cowgirls! We find that spirit inside us that makes us want to shout ... yippie yi yo!
I enjoy all your thoughtfully chosen pictures, Vicki... it makes us feel like we're sitting next to you over tea and enjoying this lovely conversation ♥
Thank you for the sweet visit~ Maria
Hola my dear Vicky, so nice to know you are a descendant of texas pioneers and that you have inheratated the spirit of those women loving the flowers!!!
maria cecilia
Lovely post and your barns are full of Texas goodness. hugs♥olive
I loved your post! The picture of the bloomers is fabulous..to think that was considered showing too much leg...
The paintings are beautiful, especially the one with the ladies in the field...I love that style, thank you sooo much for sharing. I did a barn story too, I hope you go check it out! God Bless!
Your newest follower,
Lisa :-)
Loved your barn post and the vintage Cowgirls are awesome!!!!
Beautiful post, I love the barn with the flag painted on it. I'm a Texas gal myself!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne
Texas has such a great flag..I'd paint it everywhere too. Now I just need a great barn to paint it on.
Love the painting too!
Maybe some day I'll get down to Texas and enjoy all that it can offer!
I have to say that you Texans are quite a lively bunch, Vicki! I've gotten to know a number of Texas gals through my blog. And all three winners of my giveaways have been Texans!
Just joined you as a new follower and would love to have you come by for a visit.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
Wonderful barns! I'm a Texas girl too so I love the ones with the flag painted on them!
Love the old pictures of those women! WOW!!! So nice to meet a fellow Barn Chick Blog Partier :)
Stopping by from the Barn Chic Blog Party! Great pictures and such an interesting post! How wonderful to know your family history this way!
I learned about the Barn Chick party too late to participate (this time)but I fit the description. I did do a Rooster party post this past week, showing my country roots.
It was fun going back in time with you.
I love those old "cowgirl" pictures.
What a great post! I would have liked to have been a racy cowgirl!! That is so neat about your ancestors - you got history girly!!
~ Alex
Oooh my!..,What a fabulous Texan post and fab history as well.., Fun!
Thanks so much for sharing this with us!
Please know that I always love having you visit and partake with our little of corner of blogland as well my dear lady!
It's soon that time of the week once more for, 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'!..,
You are most warmly invited to attend and also to partake with our little teatime delights for my 43rd,'Tuesday Tea for Two' as well as for my 34th, Wednesday Tea For Me And Thee' weekly blog teaparties held @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com
..,Last but not least in our little 'suite of tea party offerings' is the delightful, 15th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' shared blog tea party meme that I share with my dear friend Pam @ http://breathoffreshairpaperbutterfly.blogspot.com
~The other 1/2 of the 15th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday' meme is my other meme, held also @ http://silkenpurse.blogsport.com blog..,
As I am fond of saying; you can never have too many tea parties in blogland!..,
Hope to see you there!
Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
Love this post!! Yep, we are VERY PROUD of our state always! Love your new blog header pic, too! Adorable!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Just visiting to say hola and give you a warm hug!!!
Hi Vicki,
I'm soo happy you stopped by to say hello !! I haven't been a good bloggy friend this summer .. I've missed so many wonderful posts I'm sure !! I Loved this one by you !! there is just something soo wonderful, quaint and sweet about old barns !! These are wonderful and so FuN to share !!
I soo hope all is well with you and yours, and you are enjoying this summer !! Take care sweet friend, and always a JoY to visit you ~
HuGs ~TeA~ xo
Hello Vicki you sweet Barn Chick you!
What a fun post! History ~ Whimsy ~ and lots of cute photos! I especially love the one with the vintage china and darling little yellow chickies :-)
I always enjoy my visits to your fabulous blog and thank you for sending such inspirational messages!!
Big Hugs and Smiles,
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