Hello, dear friends! I am so glad you could come by for a visit. I am sharing a few things around Bunny Cottage that are making me smile today. Flowers from my garden: Rose of Sharon, daylilies, pinks and hydrangea. I must say you must surely love hydrangeas (and I do) to be able to grow them in this Texas heat. I water them of a morning, and they are beginning to droop by the afternoon. I have them planted in mostly shade, too. Oh well, I don't really care because I will always grow some in my garden. Daylilies are such a happy flower, love them. Inside my home, handpainted roses, china, bunnies, vintage linens, tea cups and tea pots. If you notice the sixth picture from the top, you will see a pin cushion my sweet sister Myra made for me for Mother's Day from a vintage sugar bowl. I love this, too. The rabbit in the third picture from the bottom I purchased several years ago in a small, picturesque town in Louisiana. This was the town where "Steel Magnolias" was filmed. He has sat on my mantle and kept me company for some time now. I hope and trust that you each had a lovely weekend as we celebrated Memorial Day and remembered the cost of our freedom that we enjoy so much. Have the best of weeks!! Love and blessings being sent your way!
"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains."~Anne Frank