My roses are starting to put on a new flush. After sixty or more days of 100 degrees weather with virtually no rain, we have finally received some rainfall and cooler weather. The flowers love this, and so do I. During this past summer, I must admit I questioned and thought, "Why doesn't God send some rain? We so desperately need it?" And then, in His good time, God did send the blessing of rain and now it seems my whole garden is singing songs of praise. The same can be true for our own lives. Sometimes we ourselves go through "dry spells" and then God mercifully sends his showers of blessings at just the time when we need to be lifted up the most. It might be through a kind note from a friend, a grandchild saying "I love you!" or a helping hand from a total stranger. Then, once again, we are reminded that God has been there all along, even through the "dry spells". It is my wish for you that you will feel His presence today and be lifted up!! Have a blessed day, and as always, thank you so much for stopping by for a visit. I cherish each of you and value your kind friendship.
Hello Vicki, your roses are making a wonderful Autumn comeback! So very pretty... do you dry any of them???? I am loving Autumn, but already dreaming about what I will plant come Spring! Glad you got the much needed rain... I do not like winter coming though! Bisous... Julie Marie
Yikes! It sounds like your summer was an inferno. We usually have the opposite problem here in the Northwest in the winter, asking when, oh when will the rain EVER end! Your roses are looking beautiful. I hope you bring some inside to enjoy too!
Dear sweet Vicki,
You will never know how much of a blessing your words were to me today and how much I really, really, really needed them...it's been one of those days. :-( Thank you! I feel so blessed.
Hello Vicki, how great you´ve got some rain... and here we´ve got some snow on saturday (??), very strange for this time of the year (spring). We have had very dried winters here and believe me I know what it is to be totally out of water, totally, not even for a zip... your roses are wonderful!!!
maria cecilia
Hi Vicki...your roses are gorgeous! I also am having a crop of roses. We got back from Arizona last night, and I was so surprised to see my bushes full of beautiful roses. I was thinking about changing my entrance door wreath to fall colors, but with the pink roses all around the front porch, I've decided to wait a little longer. I do hope you join in on Tea Things Tuesday next week! Seems that the list is growing, and I love to see what everyone has to share.
Take care, Vicki, and God bless!
What a blessing your devotional is. Thanks for the encouraging words.
Vicki, your words are so true. Thank goodness that the Lord sends the blessing when we really need them, and never leaves us alone. Your blooms and words have brightened my day.
We both have a Aaron in common and a love of roses.How beautiful, many thanks for brightening my day and your comments. Sharon xxx
Just stopping by to say and God Bless.
Your roses are inspiring!
I'm stopping here after visiting Bluebird Notes...
What a lovely blog this is... and what beautiful words you write...they are a blessing to those of us who visit~ Maria
You have such beautiful roses....and your words match the beauty of the roses. Great post!!
Vickie, what a lovely post. I have joined your blog, thank you for stopping by this evening, your message in your blog speaks for itself, you spread the word of God to me, thank you so much for your kind words, and your lovely prayer. Thank you and its so nice to meet you. I hope you have a wonderful evening. Your garden is beautiful, and the flowers are tranquill.
Thanks for dropping by! This is a lovely and inspirational message for all. Kuwait is one big dry spell all year long so I surround myself with things that I find beautiful, friends who shower me with kindnesses and for whom I can return the love, and concentrate on the blessings that can be found in each and every day. Messages like this remind us all to count our blessings. Have a great day! Tammy
Love your roses. Your yard is beautiful. Thank you for the inspirational words, we all need the reminders. Blessings, Martha
Your garden is stunning Vicki!! I could just live out there like a little fairy :) With bunny ears of course :)
Hello~ thank you for visiting me. Your blog is so sweet. I'll be back to visit often.
This post is like a big hug. Thanks :)
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