My post today is a continuation of my previous post of a stroll through my garden. I like to have these photos for when winter comes, I can look back on my garden and anticipate spring. I have met many of God's creations in my garden as I mentioned before about Mr. Armadillo. Here are some more who inhabit my garden: a gray fox, an opossum, a whole family of raccoons, a squirrel, various lizards and snakes, Pepe Le Pew (yes I have only seen him once and definitely did not disturb him), a bullfrog (He serenades me to sleep at night), hummingbirds, mockingbirds, cardinals, blue jays, and of course, my three kitties. I am glad we can all live together in harmony. I also love to see my grandchildren playing hide and go seek or having "tea parties" in my garden. They run through my garden like little fairies flitting from flower to flower. My garden is a place of joy and tranquility for me. Thank you for letting me share it with you! I hope you all are having a lovely week!
The kiss of the sun for pardon,
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
~Dorothy Frances Gurney, "Garden Thoughts"
Oh my dear, I´m so in love with your so, so beautiful and charming garden... some day I would love to have tea with you in that sweet table of yours.
Here spring is arriving... I can´t wait to see the blossoming of Nature... and of my work in it.
So grateful you share your beauties with us.
María Cecilia
Your garden is so lovely!! I can just see your little grandchildren as those little faries having their make believe life ....
Wonderful Post!!
Oh Vicki, your gardens are sooo lovely! And I would so love to see all God's precious little creatures who visit you there! Thank you for sharing your very special place... Bisous... Julie Marie
Hi Vicki,
What can I say? I love, love, love your garden. I wished mine looked like that. And the way you discribe it...beautiful. I'm inspired now! I really need to put on my gardening gloves and get outside. Thank you for sharing your little oasis with us.
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
Just beautiful, Vicki...I love your lovely garden at Bunny Cottage! The way you describe the little animals that visit, and the way you share about your garden shows how much you appreciate and enjoy your surroundings...what a blessing that is! Have a wonderful day!
So much activity going on in your beautiful garden, don't you just love it all. I could stay all day, thankyou again for a wonderful share, it's all my pleasure, Char
Your garden is absolutely gorgeous, I especially love the bunnies.. Thanks for your sweet comment today on my blog.
What a beautiful garden, Vicki! I enjoyed taking a stroll with you!
I too love to have pictures of the garden for when winter gets a bit too much to take . . . makes me dream of warmer days!
Thanks for sharing!
Love your garden. I enjoy gardening also. You are right, there is no more peaceful place than walking the garden. You feel the presence of the Lord. Blesssings, Martha
Your garden is simply loveleigh! Thank you for the tour. We will look back on our pretty flowers in the middle of winter and long for them once again!
Your garden is beautiful. I bet your grandchildren love being there. What a cherished memory you are creating for them!
Vicky, I love that sweet old verse! My daughter Tamara stitched a sampler with it long ago when she was a little girl. I framed it for her and she entered it in the fair. It was such a beautiful experience for her and for me. Thanks for the sweet garden memories!
Oh thank you for sharing your lovely garden with us all. I adore that verse as well. Have a blessed week...and thanks for your lovely comment you left on my blog!
Absolutely beautiful Vicki...oh, I could spend all day in your tranquil garden...it is truly special! Thank you so much for sharing all of your lovely photos, I enjoyed seeing your garden so much!
Thanks so much for visiting my blog the other day and leaving your sweet comment! I'm having a give-away on my blog and I would love it if you could stop by again when you have a minute. :)
Hugs, Carol Anne
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