Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe--Sailed on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew. . .

The gingham dog and the calico cat, side by side on the table sat; Twas half-past twelve, and (what do you think!) Nor one nor t'other had slept a wink!
These are the words of my childhood, read to me by my sweet momma, and forever etched into my heart. Now at almost 62 years of age, I can still recite them word for word. I will always credit my mother with my love for books and for the English language. Thank you, momma, for your love for literature and for instilling that love in me. Sweet friends, what books, songs or poems bring back childhood memories for you? Hoping your day has been a good one and sending love to you!
Beautiful photo's..I love childhood picture books. And at my age which is almost the same as yours, I treasure seeing them even more.
What a sweet post! You brought back many happpy childhood memories. Love your blog, I will be back soon to view your older posts and am now a follower. Blessings to you,
Such sweet memories of your mama. I have zero memories of my mom or dad reading to me. Maybe they did, but it's lost in the recesses of my mind. I was a voracious reader at the age of 12. My youngest son was the same way. Have a beautiful day! Tammy
I remember each of these also. Thank you so much for sharing your sweet memories.
Vicki, I remember these, too! Thank you for the fond look back.
I always remember that my grandmother had a Mother Goose book of Rhymes at her house, and I always read it. I think I (morbidly) liked Who Killed Cock Robin? But I most enjoyed all the others, and like you, I can still recall many of them.
On occasion I will come across one of those Little Golden Books in a store, and I think,"We use to have that book". I still have a few that my mother kept for us for all these years.
Thanks for the memories,
Marianne xo
Vicki, I LOVED these too. "Frog went a Courtin" was one of my very favorites! (both the book and the song) In fact we named one of our little toys Miss Mousie. I found the book again many years later and purchased it for my own children when they were itty bitty. Owl and the Pussycat is another favorite that I can still recite to this day. Our family used to joke about the "runcible spoon". That's what we called wooden spoons.
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