She was one of those ladies who influnced me greatly all through my childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood. She was a true Southern beauty with a peaches and cream complexion and silvery white hair. I never heard her say an unkind word to anyone. Her voice and words reflected her kind, kind heart. She helped me sing my very first solo in church. I was probably about four or five years old, and I sang for our church's Christmas program. I can't recall the song entirely, but it was about the star that shone on the night of Jesus' birth. I can remember feeling a little frightened until I looked down and saw Ms. Lilian smiling at me reassuringly, telling me I could do this, not to be afraid. Later, when I was a teenager, Ms. Lilian spent many a Saturday afternoon at her home helping my friend, Pam, and me find the perfect song to sing as a duet at church the next day. We would look through her countless song books until we found just the right one. Then she would untiringly play the song for us until we knew our parts perfectly and were ready to sing our duet. I am sure she could have found quite a few more exciting things to do with her Saturday afternoons, but she seemed to take great pleasure in helping two teenage girls prepare not only for singing but for life itself. Ms. Lilian has gone on to be with God, but today I say, "thank you" Ms. Lilian for your kindness and the care you showed to me my entire life. You always showed me the way and because of you, I am the person I am today. Dear friends, I know we all have had special angels in our lives who have helped and strengthened us along life's way. Perhaps in some small way, we can be that special angel in someone else's life. That is my prayer for today. God bless you and keep you!!