I was shopping recently at a local garden center when I noticed a man and his wife also shopping for flowers to plant in their garden. The stately man was a veteran of our US military I could tell by the cap he wore. His sweet wife had difficulty walking and was very unsteady on her feet.

I watched as she held on to the handle of the shopping cart to steady herself and make it easier for her to walk. Her kind husband was right by her side and holding onto the side of the cart so it wouldn't suddenly move forward and cause her to lose her balance.
As the wife would point out which flowers she would like to plant, her husband would carefully place them in the basket. A few times I would hear her husband reassure her that he was holding onto the cart and making sure that she would not fall. He would say, "It's all right, honey, I've got you!"

As I thought on his words, it came to mind that this is really what we are called to do in our world today. To walk alongside each other, to steady each other, to reassure each other with words of kindness. In the same way this is what God does for us. When we stumble, when we fall, when we fail miserably, He is right there by our side, sheltering us, speaking words of kindness and saying to us, "It's all right, my child. I've got you!"

I am certain that loving gentleman went home and planted all of those pretty flowers for his dear wife to enjoy in their garden.
Thank you so much for coming by for a visit today, my sweet and kind friends. You are a blessing and an encouragement to me along this journey we call life.