Hello, sweet friends and thank you for coming by for a visit! I saw my first hummingbird today. My heart always skips a beat when these little birds come up for a drink of nectar from my feeder or one of my flowers. I feel like spring is really here when I see a hummer. "La Belle Petite Maison" sign was made by the kind Rebecca of "A Gathering of Thoughts". She is a very talented painter and creator, and this sign is one of my very favorites. I made the Easter garland that hangs in my living room. The other pictures are from the garden of Bunny Cottage. The picture of the hollyhocks against the adobe wall is from Santa Fe and was taken by Charlene Vandini on a road trip she took to NM. Hollyhocks will forever remind me of my growing up days in NM and many happy memories. Please join all the other pink participants including our gracious host, Ms. Beverly, of "How Sweet the Sound", by going here: http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ "The hum of bees is the voice of the garden."~Elizabeth Lawrence
Aww,your whole post is just beautiful!I love your garden photos and most especially the bunny mosaic.So pretty:)
Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm a day early for PS, but had to hop on by. Love the beautiful flowers.
Hope that you enjoy your weekend!
I'm glad I got here early, sweets!! Didn't you get a pix of the hummer. No matter, all the photos are adorable anyways, chickee....
Hi Vicki,
I think I would faint if I saw a hummingbird here this early! We got some snow today so I doubt very much if those little darlings are anywhere near our Island just yet, but what a thrill for you! Lovely photos! I won't be posting my PS until after midnight but I hope to have you stop by tomorrow. Wishing you a lovely weekend full of sunshine.
We love hummingbirds. We have a hummingbird feeder just outside our breakfast nook window and love to watch them....and they love to watch us too! Have a great day~!!
Pretty Pink Post, Vicky! My favorite are the beautiful French words. I adore le French.... Have a wonderful weekend and a lovely Pink Saturday. xo
Pretty pink. I love the flowers, ANYway you can tell me what they are? Happy Pink! Nancy
Rebecca's artwork is easily spotted, she is one amazing talented lady. Beautiful sign. Love your pictures of the flowers ...
Happy Easter ~
Pop over for our giveaway.
Have a great weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Hello Vicki! beautiful sign ! and love the bunnies too! Have a nice weekend.besos Lilian.-
Beautiful post Vicki as always. I love the blooms and of course the hummers. I too have a hummer, and he loves to buzz me when I am outside. I welcome it!! Happy Pink Saturday sweetie, Char
Sweet pinks! How exciting to see humming birds! They are wonderful! I hope You have a super wonderful Spring Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Vicki; I so love that sign,,, she does amazing work. and all those gorgeous garden photos,,, love it... Happy Spring;;;;; yeah it is here... enjoy your weekend., Happy Pink SAturday
Pink Hugs;
The garden sign is so beautiful. I was wondering what a 'hummer' was. We haven't seen any here yet. Come on spring!
Hi Vicki,
LoVe all your PiNk prettiness, all over the place, absolutely Sweet Spring !! LoVe seeing sweet ~r~ in your home as well .. I'm such a Piggy when it comes to her pretties !! Just can't ever have enough .. thanks for sharing, and soo hoping you are enjoying this beautiful time of year ~
hugs ~tea~xo
Hi vicki!
Oh so many pretty pinks! Love the sign!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Dear sweet Vicki,
I love the beautiful sign that sweet Rebecca painted!!! I just love roses and pink! Your pillows are lovely too. What a delight it is to 'visit' your Bunny Cottage inside and out. All of your flowers are so pretty and cheerful. I am so happy you saw your first hummingbird. I think I will put out my feeder since we don't live that far apart, I might get a visitor too. I purchased a few flowers today and I can hardly wait to plant them tomorrow. I enjoyed all of the beautiful photos you shared and your lovely thoughts. I loved the quote.
Much love to you sweet friend!
Thank you for the sweet comment left at my blog. I so enjoyed my visit. Your home and garden is lovely. Your pics made me long for Texas. I look forward to your future posts and inspiring pics.
Vicki, I love all your pretty pinks...and the adobe wall with the flowers is just beautiful!
I especially love your new sign and the quilted pillows. So pretty!!! Enjoy your sign, it's beautiful!
So pretty pinks!!! Love them all.
Happy Pink Saturday!!!
hi vicki,
it's always such a sweet treat for the eyes at your blog!
happy weekend!
What a pretty array of beauties!! Such lovely things!
Vicki don't you just love the way Rebecca paints. She has such a talent.
I have such a love for hollyhocks as well. I remember tham along my grandmother's walk and against her fence in the yard. I plant them in the garden as well. I adore them in all colors.
Your pictures are so lovely.
Happy Pink Saturday Vicki!
How nice to see you first humming bird.
Gorgeous post.
Happy spring.
Happy Pink.. what a fantastic post... hope you have a fabulous weekend!
What is it about hummingbirds that is so magical? The sign is beautiful! Happy Pink Vickie and have a wonderful weekend!
Always so lovely to visit you. My friend in San Antonio mixed up her sweet nectar for the hummingbirds a couple of weeks ago and I think the has seen one come along. Temps are still a little crazy, back and forth from winter to spring. Hope you have a fabulous weekend. Blessings, Tammy
Good Saturday Morning Vicki!
I'm up early and enjoying the sweet posts of some dear people :o)
Your photos always make me say "ooooooo" and "ahhhhhh" ... they are so lovely ~
and your dear "Bunny Cottage Postcards" make me smile!
The first photo with the soft and delicate pillows is so, so lovely...
and the last one of the little birdies descending from their very own blimp is so adorable! God Bless your sweet soul, Vicki! Thank you for sharing your joy with all of us~
Hello Vicki,
I think your garland is just pretty with its pastel colors :-) Are they post cards? I also like the red ribbon in you iron chairs :-)
I am sure it is always nice to wake in the morning and be greeted by your flowers. It always makes me smile to see fresh flowers. I love smelling them too :-)
Happy pInk Saturday!
(The little chicks about to ride the balloon is too cute! )
I loved this visit so "cotton candy" pink sweet! Happy Pink Saturday. Grace
Hello Vicki, I am excited for our first hummers too, last year they arrived on my birthday in May! I knew immediately that beautiful adobe house with the Hollyhocks was in Santa Fe... it so reminds me of my grandma's home, with her Hollyhocks along her driveway... I still plant them too... your little Blue Willow plate looks so cute tucked into your garden too... and I love all of your Springy Easter things... happy weekend to you! xoxo Julie Marie
My, didn't you have the early bird! I love all your beautiful pinks today. Lovely post.
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Still waiting for daffs to open here in Wisconsin so the hollyhocks really caught my eye! How pretty!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Chris Verstraete
A Night to Forget in Timeshares Anthology
Hi Vicki,
My heart skipped a beat when I read this post. The sign is 2DIE4 and the bunny mosaic and those hollyhocks!!! Girlfriend I think we have the exact same taste in goodies and gardens. Wow, thank you for sharing such wonderful pics. I really enjoyed your post.
xo Cathy
Hi Vicki! I adore hummingbirds, they are so cute and fun to watch! I cant wait to see them here. Your gardens always look so beautiful!! I love seeing your beautiful flowers! It gives me hope since I wont see any here for another month!
Have a beautiful weekend sweetie,
Hummingbirds are so much fun to watch. Your flowers are lovely and all your "pinkie" are fab. Have a great weekend.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Beautiful post. I just adore all your pretty pictures. Happy Pink Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend. Winona
What a wonderful collection of Pink Pictures and Easter loveliness. And a Hummer! Lucky you. It will be a while longer in my part of Texas before they start fluttering around. Happy Pink Saturday....Sue
Hi! What a beautiful blog!! Wonderful pictures of the family!!!
I think it's going to be a while before we see the hummingbirds here in Nebraska.
Thanks for the welcome and visiting my blog!!
I love your header! ...and what delightful photos! This is my first Pink Saturday and I'm enjoying hopping around and seeing all the pink pretties! Please stop by my place and see my little Basket Full of Sunshine! until later...
Those little chickadees are adorable! Happy PS!
What pretty pinks today!
Happy Pinks!
In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"
Everything is so pretty. Happy Blessed Easter!
My absolute "fav" photo is of the chicks climbing up the ladder. I adore the colorful glads. Oh my wonderful post!
Joyce M
Hi Sweet Vicki!
I always love stopping by your blog! You have the most beautiful things and impecable taste! Thanks for your kind comments on my birdhouse!
Have a great weekend and Happy pINK!
Pretty pastels for Eastertime and what a delightful experience to spy your first hummingbird of the season ... aren't they amazing little birds! Happy belated Pink Saturday.
Hugs and blessings,
so many beautiful and lovely things in your post today!
Blessings always!
What a lovely post, Vicki, but yours always are.
Hoping you have a great week ahead...
Sheila :-)
Hi Vicki,
They are such amazing little things! Sounds like spring has really sprung at your place now!
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