Hello, sweet friends! These are my little grandchildren goblins from this past Halloween. They are just like me. They love to dress up in costumes, trick or treat and have all kinds of Halloween fun!
Jake (70's disco guy) is my oldest grandchild. He and I have been "partners" for quite a few years now. This great guy is on the swim team and plays the bassoon in his school's band.
Grace ( my flower child) is dressed in the era when I was a teenager, the 60's. This sweet and beautiful girl goes to dance practice every week and loves to read. When the grandchildren all come over, she always gets one of her favorite books from my shelf and reads to the other children.
Luke (Darth Vader) is my "wheels" man. This happy boy loves anything that runs on wheels: cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles. He is like my dad, our Poppie. Poppie always went to our local automobile dealer every year about this time to check out the new cars for the upcoming year.
Ally (pink princess) is my little actress. This precious one loves to perform, dance and sing. She is always changing into various costumes from her costume trunk. When the grandkids all come to spend the night with me, Ally and Grace love to play "dance recital" with Grace as the dance instructor teaching Ally a dance routine. Then Ally comes out and performs it for us while we applaud enthusiastically.
Maggie (Miss Ladybug) is very full of life and always very, very busy! This cutie pie loves the computer. Her favorite site is starfall.com. She knows all the songs by heart and sings them wholeheartedly!
Henna Rose (Hershey's Kiss) is my youngest. This baby doll is just starting to walk. Her favorite thing to do is make us all laugh. If she can entertain us and make us laugh, then she is very happy.
My sister, Aunt Myra, is an excellent seamstress. She made Henna's Hershey Kiss costume and Ally's pink princess costume as presents for their birthday. She did a beautiful job, too.
I am so thankful for my grandchildren. They bring such joy to my life. I am wishing for each one of you much joy and happiness as you celebrate with your family and friends during this wonderful season of Thanksgiving.
oh my gosh, the costumes are all wonderful! I think my faves are the hershey kiss and the little princess....my granddaughter is a pink princess diva. She would LOVE that one!
Your grandchildren are adorable !! :)
Vicki, I loved meeting each and every one of your darling grandchildren. They look wonderful in their costumes. I think I can understand how much joy they bring into your life, as I have seven of these little jewels in my crown too.
They are absolutely beautiful! And look likes they had fun!
You have many blessings!
Hugs, Lisa
How adorable the hippy costume is great they are all adorable.
Vicki!!!! your little ones are ADORABLE... oh I would love to kiss them all!!! How blessed you are my dear Vicki. Tomorrow Máximo, my grandson, is coming to stay over... I want to have more grands soon!!!
María Cecilia
Oh they are soooo cute!
Hi Vicki,
I love the costumes and enjoyed getting to know your grandchildren. The bassoon, how fun!
They are beautiful children, they resemble some of the vintage pictures. Dress them up in the old-timey outfits and they could pose for them! I am glad they are close so you can enjoy each other at these fun times!
The costumes are fabulous and all your grandchildren absolutely precious and adorable! God bless you and all. Have a great day! :) Tammy
Truly...the cutest things I've seen all day...you are blessed! Come say hi :D
They all look so adorable! You have every right to be the proud Grandma, they sound like very special kids too! What a great big "Treat" you had for Halloween!
Dear Vicki, they are so precious :o) God be with you all.
Oh Vicki!!! Your grandbabies are so cute!!! I love that you gave a beautiful description of each and told there interests and achievements!! Luke sounds just like my boys, anything that resembles a vehicle and they are happy!! I love it :)That little Hershey's Kiss costume is just too cute for words!!
Have just followed a link from somewhere (sarah jane down the lane maybe?) and wanted to say hi.
I had to stop by because of the name, Bunny Cottage. I love rabbits you see :-)
Nice to meet you, your home looks so beautiful and pretty.
Love Charlotte
Your Grandchildren are lovely...what a wonderful Halloween you must of had!
Hi there,what beautiful children, great costumes my fave the flower child!Sharon xxoo
absolutely adorable, vicki!
oh my goodness Vicki! These are the most adorable children!
How can we keep from smiling!!!
from the Hershey kiss to the 70's guy... FABULOUS!
Thanks for the smiles :)
~a happy weekend to you~
Cute Kids and Clever Costumes. Aren't Grands the Grandest!
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